★★ How to add (import) your own token with a contract address
This text is recommended for advanced STON.fi users.
Token import
Enter a contract address into the search bar.
Wait until the token information from the blockchain is uploaded.
Press 'Agree and Proceed'.
NB: Please note that community tokens (not displayed on the main STON.fi token list) can be created and added to DEX by anyone, trade them at your own risk.
After you have added your token, it will always be displayed in the token list on the current device with an 'Imported' tag, and other users will see it as 'Community' (provided that the 'Community assets' feature is enabled in settings, or that the token is found by contract address, or the user has it is in his wallet).
Community tokens display
You can also display all tokens added by users. To do this, in the settings tab, move the 'Community assets' slider to the right.
It is also possible to display Deprecated assets, that were previously on the STON.fi whitelist, but were removed from the interface for some reason.
With Community assets and Deprecated assets enabled, you will always see ALL tokens traded on STON.fi. In this case you will not have to search for any tokens at the contract address.
Last updated