★★ Liquidity Pools Types

WCPI Pools

WCPI (Weighted Constant Product Invariant) pools are a new type of liquidity pool used in automated market makers (AMMs). They allow users to set custom weights for different assets in a pool, giving more control over risk and exposure.

How WCPI Pools Work

WCPI pools use a formula that extends the traditional constant product formula (x * y = k) by adding weight parameters. The new formula is x^w^x * y^w^y, where w is the weight of each asset.

This approach offers several benefits:

  1. Multiple assets: Pools can contain more than two assets.

  2. Custom ratios: Users can set custom ratios like 75/25 or 60/40, instead of the traditional 50/50 split.

  3. Better risk management: Higher weight for an asset means less price impact when traded.

Advantages of WCPI Pools

  1. Flexible asset management: Users can adjust weights to match their strategy.

  2. Reduced impermanent loss: Custom weighting can help minimize this common DeFi risk.

  3. Improved price control: Users can influence how much price movement occurs during trades.

  4. Portfolio diversification: Multiple assets with custom weights allow for more diverse strategies.


  1. Reducing risk: Increase the weight of a volatile asset (like a memecoin) to reduce its price impact.

  2. Optimizing returns: Adjust weights to focus on assets you expect to perform well.

Wrapping Up

WCPI pools on STON.fi offer users more control over their liquidity provision. By customizing asset weights, you can better manage risk, control price impact, and create strategies that match your investment goals.

Stableswap Pools

Stableswap pools are a specialized tool for trading stablecoins — cryptocurrencies designed to maintain a stable value. These pools offer more efficient trading with less price slippage, especially for assets with similar values.

How Stableswap Pools Work

Stableswap pools use a "curve algorithm" with an important feature called the amplification factor, or "A" parameter. This factor helps control how much prices can move during trades:

  • A higher "A" value: Prices stay more stable, closer to a 1:1 exchange rate.

  • A lower "A" value: Allows for more price movement, similar to a regular trading pool.

For example, in a pool with USDT and USDC (both pegged to $1), a high "A" value would keep the exchange rate very close to 1 USDT = 1 USDC, even during larger trades.

Advantages of Stableswap Pools

  1. Lower Slippage: When you trade 1000 USDT for USDC in a Stableswap pool, you're more likely to get very close to 1000 USDC in return, instead of 995 or 990 USDC you might get in a regular pool.

  2. Better Liquidity: Stableswap pools maintain good trading conditions even when there's less activity. This means you can trade larger amounts without dramatically affecting the price.

  3. Price Stability: Helps keep stablecoin prices close to their target value (usually $1), reducing the risk of depegging.

  4. Efficient Trading: Allows for easy exchanges between various stablecoin pairs, like USDT/jUSD, with minimal value loss.

Real-World Example

Imagine you have 10,000 USDT and want to swap it for jUSD:

  • In a regular pool, you might only get 9,900 jUSD due to price impact and slippage.

  • In a Stableswap pool, you're more likely to get 9,990 jUSD or even closer to the full 10,000 USDC.

This difference becomes even more significant for larger trades or in times of market volatility.

Wrapping Up

Stableswap pools on platforms like STON.fi is an efficient way to trade between stablecoins. They provide a more stable and predictable trading experience, help users maintain the value of their stablecoins while still allowing for necessary exchanges. Stableswap pools can help you swap with minimal value loss and increased confidence in the exchange rate.

WStableswap Pools

WStableswap pools are an advanced tool that combines the benefits of Stableswap and Weighted pools. They offer efficient trading for stablecoins and allow users to adjust the weight of each asset in the pool.

How WStableswap Pools Work

  1. Stableswap Feature: Minimizes slippage when trading between assets with similar values, like stablecoins.

  2. Weighted Pool Feature: Allows users to set custom weights for each asset in the pool.

For example, in a USDT-USDC pool:

  • The Stableswap feature keeps the exchange rate close to 1:1.

  • The Weighted feature lets you adjust the pool to be 60% USDT and 40% jUSD if you prefer.

Advantages of WStableswap Pools

  1. Reduced Slippage: Like Stableswap, WStableswap keeps price impact low for stablecoin trades. Example: Trading 10,000 USDT to jUSD might result in 9,995 jUSD instead of 9,900 in a regular pool.

  2. Flexible Asset Management: Users can adjust weights to match their strategy. Example: If you believe USDT is more stable, you could set the pool to 70% USDT and 30% jUSD.

  3. Better Liquidity Control: Weighted balances help maintain high liquidity even during market fluctuations.

  4. Enhanced Risk Management: Adjusting weights allows users to reduce exposure to specific assets. Example: If you're concerned about USDT's stability, you could reduce its weight in the pool.

  5. Improved Capital Efficiency: The combination of low slippage and weight adjustment allows for more efficient use of capital.

WStableswap vs Traditional Stableswap

WStableswap can outperform traditional Stableswap in certain scenarios:

  1. Lower Slippage: The weight adjustment can further reduce slippage in some cases.

  2. Better Price Control: Weights provide an additional tool to manage price volatility.

  3. Higher Liquidity: The ability to adjust weights can help maintain liquidity in changing market conditions.

Example: In a USDT/jUSD pool, if USDT becomes slightly less stable, you could adjust the weight in favor of jUSD, potentially maintaining better liquidity than a fixed 50/50 Stableswap pool.

Wrapping Up

WStableswap pools on STON.fi offer a powerful combination of stable pricing and flexible asset management. They're perfect for users who want to provide liquidity for stablecoins while maintaining control over each asset. WStableswap pools help fine-tune your stablecoin strategy.

Last updated